Senior Capstone Experience

生物学 majors fulfill the requirement for the Senior Capstone Experience in one of two ways—by completing an independent laboratory or field research project, or by writing an in-depth scientific monograph. Both options are under the direction of 一名教员.

Students begin thinking about their SCE well before the senior year. 教职员工 department assist students in developing themes for projects during a 生物学 Junior Seminar, and students are encouraged to review their ideas with faculty members.

As part of a credit-bearing SCE course, seniors are guided through the SCE process 一位指导老师. The process typically involves discussion of primary and secondary scientific literature in the area of biology chosen by the individual student. At the conclusion of the course, the student shares their work as a written report. 此外, the student presents their findings at a poster session open to the college community.


Bryanna Rupprecht ('20) Problem-Based Learning in Science Education: A Case Study Approach to the One Environmental 卫生假说.

阿德里安娜·蔡斯(20届) The Devastating Effects of Chemotherapeutic Treatment on Fertility of Cancer Patients.

塞布丽娜·詹金斯(19届) Stenting as a Treatment for Coarctation of the Aorta in Pediatric Patients.

Larisa Prezioso(19年) Toxicological Consequences of Plastics on Marine Ecosystems and an Exploration of Biodegradable Alternatives.

凯文·戴(18年) Emaciation Protocol and Refeeding in Exotic Veterinary Medicine.

亚当·兰希尔(Adam lanphhear)(18届) Macrophages and Their Subsets in Mammalian Lung Tissue.

朱明义(18年) Fun30’s function in DNA damage repair.


妮娜·布莱克(20年) The Effect of Heavy Metal Pollution on Quality of Bird Song

Alexandria Hegeman ('20) The Significance of NUP170 in Delayed Cellular Senescence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

凯特琳·马里诺(19届) Neuronal and Behavioral Outcomes Following Hypoxia Induced Ischemia in 鲐鱼类 Pretreated with Ibuprofen.

阿曼达·加布里埃尔(19届) The Effects of Nicotine and Cinnamaldehyde Vapor on Drosophila melanogaster 脑半球面积.

阿曼达·奥尔特(18届) The Effect of Atrazine on the Larval Development of Crassostrea virginica东牡蛎.

内森·西蒙斯(18届) Species Diversity of Wood Boring Beetles.